ࡱ> 3527` bjbjss 4RdT,8,PRRRRRR$h1 TvvhhhpPhPhhh s T0h0h ^ h h4hvvX,,,,,,,,,  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  ElementsCompetent (C)Exemplary (E)Pre-AssessmentMade attempt to determine students'Used appropriate method(s) forprerequisite knowledge and skills.determining students' prerequisiteMade modifications to instruction basedknowledge and skills. Modifiedon data but overlooked modificationsinstruction based on feedback onthat would have benefited somestudents' current level or knowledge.students.Formative AssessmentShowed evidence of using ongoingShowed evidence of ongoing use of aassessment but did not use a varietyvariety of assessment methods forof assessment methods of determiningdetermining student success or need.student success or need.Summative AssessmentAssessments used were consistentUsed assessment methods that werewith the TEKS and the content taughtconsistent with the TEKS and thebut were too easy or too difficult forcontent taught. Assessments weresome students. Attempted to measureconsistent with the students' abilityhigher-level thinking skills and/or real-levels. Measured higher-level thinkingworld applications.skills that reflected real-worldapplications.Evaluation of StudentPlan for remediating students was onPlan for remediating students was Learningtarget based on evaluation of studentappropriate based on an accuratelearning. Suggestions for improvementsevaluation of student learning. in assessment and instruction wereSuggestions for improvements inlimited.assessment and instruction werebeneficial in addressing students' variedbackgrounds, skills, interests, andlearning needs.Quality of ReportReport showed evidence of reflectionReport showed extensive reflectionbut was limited in scope. Presentationand was presented in a professionalwas free from major errors.manner.     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 % TH2vUUAAH:L Assessment is inconsistent with the TEKS being measured. $           $ % % % % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   |% % % % %   T |UUAA {LtAge-Appropriateness: % T|UUAA|EL Assessment was not at a level consistent with the students' ability $                % % % % " !% %    %   T  QUUAA #Llevels (too easy or too difficult).           % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   TT UUAA ,LApplications of Knowledge and Understanding:    !    % T<UUAA(L Assessments did not reflect real-world $         % % % % " !% %    %   TT XFUUAA ,Lapplications of knowledge and understanding.          % % % % % " !% %   L|% % % % %   T  L{UUAA K LEvaluation of Student Learning        % TSRxUUAAS Lh(1.28s-1.29s)     % % TT9LV{UUAA9KLPDTTL{UUAAKLPCTTnL{UUAAnKLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T \UUAA LpAnalysis of Data:    % T]UUAA]AL Intern student's evaluation of student learning was inaccurate.                 % % % % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T 2UUAA LlPlan of Action:    % T3WUUAA3FL The plan for remediating students who did not master the content was     $          $     % % % % " !% %    %   T UUAA Lmissing or inappropriate.$       % % % % % " !% %   L% % % % %   T PKUUAA LImprovement in Assessment: %%  %% TQJUUAAQ9L Suggestions for improvement in assessment plan were not    $$  $     % % % % " !% %    %   T PR~UUAA PLindicated or were not adequate.         % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T MUUAA LImprovements in Instruction: %%   % TNFUUAAN4L Recommendations for improving instruction based on $$   $      % % % % " !% %    %   T\ kUUAA XLassessment results were missing or did not address students' varied backgrounds, skills,$    $                T, UUAA PLinterests, and learning needs, including the needs of English language learners.                  % % % " !% %    P  T _OUUAA LpQuality of Report! 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Circle performance If D, check reason.Suggestions for Improvement:ElementsZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.SAssess Prior Knowledge: Intern made no attempt to determine students' prerequisiteknowledge and skills.UAssessment Method: Method of pre-assessment was inadequate for supplying feedback on%students' current level or knowledge.VResults of Pre-Assessment: Intern did not address modifying instruction based on pre-assessment data.WMonitoring Student Learning: Intern did not show evidence of using ongoing assessment.XVariety of Assessment: Intern did not indicate use of effective alternative methods of $determining student success or need.QAppropriateness of Content Measure: Assessment does not measure what was taught.#WAppropriate Level: Assessment did not attempt to measure higher-level thinking skills.OConsistent with TEKS: Assessment is inconsistent with the TEKS being measured.YAge-Appropriateness: Assessment was not at a level consistent with the students' ability#levels (too easy or too difficult).TApplications of Knowledge and Understanding: Assessments did not reflect real-world,,applications of knowledge and understanding.RAnalysis of Data: Intern student's evaluation of student learning was inaccurate.UPlan of Action: The plan for remediating students who did not master the content wasmissing or inappropriate.SImprovement in Assessment: Suggestions for improvement in assessment plan were notindicated or were not adequate.PImprovements in Instruction: Recommendations for improving instruction based onXassessment results were missing or did not address students' varied backgrounds, skills,Pinterests, and learning needs, including the needs of English language learners.Quality of Report=Professionalism: Report did not show evidence of reflection.dStudent: ______________________________________ MaST Teacher: _____________________________________=>$Pre-Assessment (1.28s-1.29s, 3.15s) Formative Assessment (1.24s) $Summative Assessment (1.24s, 1.26s) -Evaluation of Student Learning (1.28s-1.29s) V D = Developing; C=Competent; E=ExemplaryD Descriptors for C and E on the following page.EbStudent: ______________________________________ Instructor: _____________________________________1<dStudent: _______________________________________ Instructor: ______________________________________2=2 SQ F  dMbP?_*+%QN&C&"Arial,Bold"&12Unit Assessment Report Rubric &10Evidence of Student Success&?'?(?)?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} m } I} $} } ~   ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '{dStudent: _______________________________________ Instructor: ______________________________________2= "#######$"  % Circle performance &()*)CElements)))+(  ,level. +-......./-  0 If D, check reason. /31$Pre-Assessment (1.28s-1.29s, 3.15s) 22222223  4D  4C  4Eb5SAssess Prior Knowledge: Intern made no attempt to determine students' prerequisite6666666&EJ7  Aknowledge and skills. ......./K89 d DUAssessment Method: Method of pre-assessment was inadequate for supplying feedback on )))))))+F89 . (%students' current level or knowledge. )))))))+G89 e 5VResults of Pre-Assessment: Intern did not address modifying instruction based on pre- 6666666&F89  -assessment data. ......./G89 ,1Formative Assessment (1.24s) 22222223  ID  4C  4Ef5WMonitoring Student Learning: Intern did not show evidence of using ongoing assessment.6666666&NJ7 g5XVariety of Assessment: Intern did not indicate use of effective alternative methods of 6666666&F89 -?$determining student success or need.)))))))+F89 31$Summative Assessment (1.24s, 1.26s) 22222223  ID  4C  4E`<QAppropriateness of Content Measure: Assessment does not measure what was taught.#=======>NJ7 fDWAppropriate Level: Assessment did not attempt to measure higher-level thinking skills.)))))))+F89 ^5OConsistent with TEKS: Assessment is inconsistent with the TEKS being measured.6666666&M89 h5YAge-Appropriateness: Assessment was not at a level consistent with the students' ability6666666&F89 ,-#levels (too easy or too difficult)......../G89 c5TApplications of Knowledge and Understanding: Assessments did not reflect real-world,6666666&F89 5?,applications of knowledge and understanding.)))))))+F89 <1-Evaluation of Student Learning (1.28s-1.29s) 22222223  ID  4C  4Ea5RAnalysis of Data: Intern student's evaluation of student learning was inaccurate.6666666&HJ7 d5UPlan of Action: The plan for remediating students who did not master the content was6666666&F89 "-missing or inappropriate......../G89 bDSImprovement in Assessment: Suggestions for improvement in assessment plan were not)))))))+L89 (?indicated or were not adequate.)))))))+G89 _ @PImprovements in Instruction: Recommendations for improving instruction based on 6666666&F89 @DHXI{BR=tQ{PYFL! 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